IMG_7327Yes he did a few steps on his actual birthday but now he’s very much in the full swing of it. I took him to nursery and as I was filling in some paper work he literally just walked from one table to another without a care in the world. So now I have a walking baby!! Eeeek!

So this week yes not only is he walking much more confidently, he’s at nursery too. I was actually ok about the whole thing and it was quite refreshing to have a morning to edit some photo’s without thinking, when is he going to wake and feel under constant time pressure all the time. Then feel guilty as I don’t have my 100% full attention on my boy. I think most working mummies feel like this don’t they? Not only that I think it’ll be so good for him to mix with other kids too. His settle in days have gone really well so far which I think makes it much easier. Now he’s at nursery I can be right today I will do this and then when I’m with him I am 100% concentrating on him if you know what I mean??

IMG_7296He loves coming into my office as he knows he’s not really allowed in there. He goes straight for the printer and turns it on. This above is before he’s naughty and just after below is when he’s pressed the button. I’m struggling a bit with the whole ‘no’ thing. Louis does not listen to me at all and almost just laughs so after talking with the lovely swimming girls today, I’m going to give ignoring a go as apparently he’ll soon get bored of it.

IMG_7299 IMG_7307 IMG_7316Excuse  his slightly oversized  sleep suit in the above one!! He’s got a little growing to do with Next clothes.

IMG_7320 IMG_7323Here he comes!! No hands!!

IMG_7291 IMG_7325 IMG_7329 IMG_7335

And relax. Phew he made it. Can’t believe my little boy is not only 1, he’s a big boy going to nursery and now walking. How times have changed.

I’m not sure if many people reading get to this point ever, as they may just look at the pictures but this was the week too that I made a very big life changing decision! I’m so excited to be sharing this with you in a few weeks time.

I know some people like this on Facebook and Instagram etc but wasn’t actually sure how many people actually took the time to read this. Like I have said, it is mainly for me so I don’t forget anything about Louis growing up and his key milestones but I just want to say a big thank you so those that do as it really helps with my google search and I’m now on page 1 when people look for family photographer in warwick! It’s also nice for clients to feel like they know me before I go to do a photo session. Especially if you’re not that keen of being in front of a camera, feeling like you know me has definitely helped a lot of people I have met.

My project 52 is also a great way to showcase what I do best which is to capture true everyday life in a documentary way. I just so love what I do.

Thanks everyone. I hope you enjoyed week 27! Lots of exciting times ahead for Little Beanies Photography. I’m meeting some fab people with amazing companies too so lots of exciting things happening in the next few months.

Lots of love

Lisa xx

All photographs taken by Little Beanies Photography.

I am a photographer and founder of Little Beanies Photography specialising in bumps, babies and families. Little Beanies Photography is a fun, natural, relaxed experience using only natural light to capture the real moments in life.

I would love it if you had a look at my work here and if you would like any further information please contact here

Blog post inspired by The 52 Project & Hello Baby Blog

Please see Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13,  Week 14Week 15 & Week 16, Week 17, Week 18, week19, Week 20, Week 21, Week 22, Week 23, Week 24, Week 25, Week 26 Part 1 & Part 2 if you missed them.

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