What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag – Checklist

What to pack in your birth hospital bag checklist mum with her baby bump during pregnancy

As a Maternity, birth, newborn and family photographer, I often get asked what I packed in my hospital bag for the birth of my two boys. I have to say second time around I didn’t pack quite so much so I thought this hospital bag checklist would be perfect for my clients or clients to be to be able to refer too. I hope this helps you get organised:

So even if you are not planning a hospital birth you may need to go in unexpectedly, so I think it’s best to have your bag packed by about 36 weeks pregnant.

I have split my Hospital Bag checklist into three parts, For Mum, For Baby, For Dad in that order:

For Mum Hospital Bag Checklist
1. Birth plan (take a few copies incase you meet new people, hospital maternity notes plus hypno birthing book if applicable
2. Maternity pads
3. Big knickers x 2 ( I went for two sizes up!), normal knickers x 2
4. Some clothes leggings, jumper (make sure not too tight)
5. 2 x nursing bras – these were my favs!
6. Big t-shirt
7. 2 x pyjama bottoms
8. 2 x tops with buttons or Nursing tops
9. Slipper socks/Socks
10. Flip flops (not essential but helped when came out of bath or shower
11. 2 long black vests
12. Bikini or Tankini if planning to use birthing pool
13. 2 x towels old
14. Dressing gown
15. Going home outfit
16. Eye mask – I found this really useful in the night. I did also take ear plugs but was worried I may not hear my own baby!)
17. Wipes
18. Dry shampoo
19. Toiletries – shampoo & conditioner, shower gel, Moisturiser, Deo, Razor, Toothbrush & toothpaste
20. Lip Balm – your lips can dry out on a warm labour ward but if you get the Lansolate nipple cream you can use this as it has multiple purposes!
21. Hairbrush, bobbles
22. Some makeup if you would like ready for visitors but personally I couldn’t be bothered when the time came!
23. Breast pads
24. Nipple cream and shields (you may not need but I struggled to breast feed so were a god send. I have linked to Lansinoh as this is the best ever and so multi-purpose. It’s great for chapped lips or dry packages of skin. I still have a tube as it’s amazing.
25. Flannels x 3
26. Tens Machine (if wanting to use) plus Spare batteries
27. Bendy straws – hard to drink out of bottle or glass when contracting
28. Electrics for labour and birth if not available – Speaker, Ipad, Phone & charger, Head phones Remember to download music or films if wanting
29. Magazines
30. Snacks, drinks, Chewy sweets/lollipops/lucozade for energy if required
31. Camera if want more than phone camera
Most importantly!!!
32. Do not forget to book your newborn photo-shoot session if you would like one. This is to stop any disappointment if you would like the really tiny age as these book up fast but this is a good guide as to when the best time is to have a newborn session. I’m not like studios where they have to have the first 2 weeks as I’m a more natural at home photographer that doesn’t;t need to mould them and you start feeling a bit better about yourself too 😉
Here is some newborn baby photography from Little Beanies for you to have a look though and if you would like to Request a Brochure then please do so by clicking below.
And the above was just for you!!
For Baby Hospital Bag Checklist
1. Nappies – I just got a bag of 24
2. Hats x 2
3. Vests x 3
4. Baby suit x 3
5. Mittens
6. Socks
7. Bibs
8. Muslins
9. Sudocrem
10. Car seat & base – we left this in the car from 36 weeks
11. Own blanket – cellular blanket as needs to be breathable
12. Winter snow suit – as we had a winter baby
13. Cotton wool, Bowl for water or we did use water swipes second time round
14. Nappy bags
15. If you have a preferred bottle milk if you intend to use then do bring this. I couldn’t breast feed with both my kids so the hospital were able to give me some but if you have a preferred brand then take it.
Don’t panic too much about all this for baby. Especially if you don’t know what size they are going to be. Hospital normally have some clothes and the shops are never too far away to get someone to pick something up on the way if needed.
Daddy/partners hospital bag checklist
1. Shorts and t shirt
2. Underwear
3. Mints
4. Water Spray
5. Swim wear (if you want to join in the pool!)
6. Wash bag & toiletries
7. Toothbrush
8. Phone & charger
9. Money for cafe
10. Snacks & drinks
11. Camera (if wanting more than a phone camera
Just incase you want to print this off I have popped together a Free Download for you too for ease and help you prepare for the day.

All of the photographs above are photographs that have been taken by Little Beanies Photography.

Lisa is a Warwickshire based photographer and the founder of Little Beanies Photography. A photography company that specialises in pregnancy photo shoots, newborn photographs, baby photos and family portraits. Little Beanies photographs use natural light to capture the precious moments in life and as a company they pride themselves on creating a fun, natural and relaxed environment where the photographs taken really capture true emotion and unique moments.

To view more of the Warwickshire photography companies work then please click here and if you have any questions or to make an appointment click here

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