
As a few of you know my little one decided to make an early appearance so this blog post never got written until now! I had no idea that at 37 weeks and 3 days I would be seeing my gorgeous little boy only 3 days later. All I will say is thank god I had these photos taken. My Pregnancy feels like a distant memory now, even though it’s only 6 weeks ago. I will cherish these forever.

I was very lucky and had an amazing pregnancy and I can honestly say I loved being pregnant. Knowing that our baby was safe inside me and I was growing this little creature that will have mine and my husbands features and characteristics (the good and the not so….ha) was just a little miracle to me. Every time the baby kicked (as we didn’t know if it was a boy or girl), I was reassured that everything was okay.



Towards the end I did experience slightly less movements, which was a bit scary. This was due to my placenta being an anterior (at the front) which meant that sometimes the kicks were muffled. All I would say is no matter how silly you think you feel always go and get monitored. What have you got to lose? Apart from a couple of hours of time to know that your baby is safe and well. My hospital and midwife actively encouraged it.


I do feel slightly robbed of my maternity leave but obviously over joyed when he arrived. I had so much planned from finishing the nursery, doing my Christmas shopping, to lunching with my girly friends. I worked right up until the very end only having 4 days from my full time job. Maybe that’s why he came early and to be honest I would have gone stir crazy if I’d had to wait, which many of my NCT friends had to do in the end. I did feel for them. I know it’s cliché but when people say ‘make the most of it’, ‘get your sleep’ then do. Your life changes (for the better of course) but nothing really does prepare you for the first couple of weeks. I am the biggest planner in the world and I couldn’t even begin to think how I could plan for this, especially when you are getting to know your new addition. I wouldn’t change anything though; I was just so pleased he was safe and well.


It’s been a while since I have written a post I know, but hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up now as I’m on maternity leave – not saying that ‘it’s a walk in the park’ or anything, and it has taken 6 weeks for me to say this but once you get into a little routine, if at all possible, you can actually find a little time to yourself. I think that’s really important. Don’t forget who you are, time out is essential if you are lucky enough to have it. It does help having an incredibly supportive husband.


I hope you like these photos. These are just some of them but if you or you know of anyone interested in getting some ‘bump’ shots done to cherish the moment then please get in touch if you like what you see. More bump shots feature on my website here. I’m certainly pleased that I did. I still can’t quite believe the little man I see in front of my eyes was actually curled up inside me!

If you get a sec, any mums out there like to share how they felt during their pregnancy? Couldn’t wait for it to be over or embraced every second? There is no right or wrong it’s just how you feel and of course I know that not everybody’s pregnancy is a straightforward one. I would love to hear all about it, if you could please comment below.

Lots of love Lisa at Little Beanies

Little Beanies photography specialises in bumps, babies and families and is a fun, natural, relaxed experience using only natural light to capture the real moments in life. Please contact here if you are interested or want more information.

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